Substance Abuse Freedom & Education

Substance Abuse Freedom & Education (SAFE) is a newly created follow up program to our former program known as LEAD, Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion). The former program had helped of individuals who suffered from addiction, start their journey to recovery and in many cases, live a drug free life with employment opportunities. Unfortunately grant funding for the LEAD program ceased as of June 30, 2023. The SAFE program will continue with two full-time sworn law enforcement officers trained in assisting those seeking help with addiction. The SAFE program will continue to work in collaboration with the Robeson County Drug Courts and the Robeson County District Attorney’s Office. Sergeant Hollis McNeill and Detective Jeremy Gerald will continue to be the key contacts for those seeking help. We have found the three biggest obstacles for addicts seeking IMMEDIATE treatment assistance is the lack of knowledge, money and transportation, so using charitable donation, fund raisers and grants from the community, we will use this new program to help those who suffer from addiction in Robeson County.

Lt. Hollis McNeil

Det. Jeremy Gerald
